Sunday 9 June 2024

Story 4: Eerie Echos of the Night...

Story 4: Eerie Echos of the Night...

In a quiet suburb, Mark and Emily were a loving couple who had been married for several years. Mark was a devout Christian, deeply committed to his faith. He never missed a Sunday service and would often spend time in prayer and meditation. Emily, though not particularly religious, always respected Mark's devotion.

One night, as they lay in bed, a sense of peace enveloped their home. Mark fell asleep quickly, feeling content after a long day. But in the middle of the night, he was abruptly awakened by Emily's screams.

"Stop praying! Stop going to the Church!" she shouted, with her arms extended in the air, her voice filled with terror.

Mark sat up, heart pounding. He reached out to touch her shoulder, trying to wake her from the nightmare. "Emily, it's just a bad dream. Wake up," he said gently.

Emily's eyes flew open, and for a moment, she looked at him with confusion and fear. Then, recognition dawned, and she clutched his hand tightly. "Mark, I... I don't know what came over me. I was having a terrible dream."

They both tried to go back to sleep, but the unsettling incident left a lingering tension. The next morning, over breakfast, Mark gently broached the topic. "Emily, do you remember what you were dreaming about last night?"

Emily shook her head, looking puzzled. "I just remember feeling scared, but the details are fuzzy. I don’t know why I said those things."

Days turned into weeks, and the episodes continued. Each time, Emily would wake Mark with her screams, telling him to stop praying and going to church. Mark grew increasingly worried, not just for Emily, but for the strain it was putting on their marriage.

One Sunday after church, Mark decided to talk to Pastor John about the situation. "Pastor, I don’t know what to do. Emily has these night terrors, and she always tells me to stop praying and going to church. I’m scared for her."

Pastor John listened thoughtfully. "Mark, sometimes our subconscious reveals fears we don’t understand. Have you talked to Emily about how she feels about your faith and your practices?"

That evening, Mark and Emily sat down together. Mark took a deep breath. "Emily, I love you and I want to understand what's happening. Do my prayers and church attendance bother you in any way?"

Emily looked at him, her eyes softening. "Mark, I would never want to come between you and your faith. But maybe... maybe deep down, I'm afraid. Afraid that your devotion means you'll grow apart from me."

Mark took her hands in his. "Emily, my faith strengthens my love for you. Let's face these fears together."

They decided to seek help from a counsellor to explore Emily's subconscious fears. Through therapy, Emily discovered unresolved anxieties from her past that were manifesting in her dreams. As they worked through these issues together, the night terrors gradually subsided.

Emily began to join Mark in some of his spiritual practices, finding comfort in sharing that part of his life. While she didn't fully embrace his faith, she learned to appreciate the peace it brought to him and to their marriage.

In time, their bond grew stronger. The night terrors became a distant memory, replaced by a deeper understanding and love for each other. Emily no longer feared Mark's devotion; instead, she saw it as a testament to his character and his unwavering love for her.

But less did Mark know that his wife was possessed by the devil, and was out to ruin Their marriage…

After this incident, all I came to know they stayed separated and the wife kept the children away from the father saying he had abandoned the family.

God Help this Family

Jacob M

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