Friday 7 June 2024

Story 1: The Haunting of Mont Vista

Story 1: 

The Haunting of Mont Vista

Mont Vista stood ominously on the edge of town, its once-grand architecture now shrouded in decay. For decades, it had been abandoned, save for the whispers of ghosts that sent chills down the spines of those who dared to speak of it. Legend had it that the original owner, Lord Griffin, had been a cruel man who perished in a mysterious fire, and his vengeful spirit lingered, haunting the manor ever since.

One stormy night, a group of friends, eager for a thrill, decided to explore the manor. Armed with flashlights and bravado, they entered through the creaking front door, its hinges groaning in protest. The air inside was heavy with the scent of mildew and something else—something darker.

As they ventured deeper into the manor, they came upon a grand staircase leading to the upper floors. Suddenly, a chilling wind swept through the hallway, extinguishing their flashlights. Panic set in as they fumbled in the darkness, hearing faint whispers and footsteps that did not belong to them.

In the dim light of a brief lightning flash, they saw a figure at the top of the stairs. A man in old-fashioned clothing, his eyes burning with hatred. It was Lord Griffin. He descended the stairs, his movements deliberate and menacing. The friends, paralyzed with fear, could do nothing but watch as he approached.

With a ghostly wail, Lord Griffin reached out, his cold fingers brushing against the nearest friend, who collapsed to the floor, lifeless. The others fled in terror, but the manor had claimed its victim. To this day, Mont Vista Manor remains abandoned, its dark history forever etched in the memories of those who survived its horrors.

God Save Us All...

Jacob M

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