Monday 1 July 2024

Story 9:- The Abandoned Asylum

 ## The Abandoned Asylum

A group of friends decided to explore an abandoned asylum on the outskirts of town. It was a popular spot for thrill-seekers, known for its dark history and rumoured hauntings. They arrived just before midnight, armed with flashlights and cameras.

As they ventured deeper into the asylum, the air grew colder, and an eerie silence enveloped them. They found old patient records, rusted medical equipment, and graffiti covering the walls. But the further they went, the more they felt like they were being watched.

In the main hall, they found a journal belonging to a former patient named Alice. The entries spoke of cruel experiments and supernatural occurrences. One entry caught their attention: "The shadows come alive at night. They take the ones who trespass."

Suddenly, the lights of their flashlights flickered and went out. Panic set in as they fumbled in the darkness. They heard footsteps echoing through the halls and the sound of whispering voices. The shadows around them seemed to move and take shape.

One by one, the friends were dragged into the darkness by unseen forces. Their screams echoed through the asylum, but no one was around to hear them. By morning, the asylum was silent once more, with no sign of the friends who had ventured in.

Local authorities conducted a search but found no trace of the group. The asylum remained abandoned, a grim reminder of the souls lost to its darkness. The townspeople spoke in hushed tones about the friends who had disappeared, warning others to stay away from the cursed place. Those who dared to enter would hear the whispers of the shadows, calling them to join the others who had never left.

Jacob M

Story 8:- The Mirror

 ## The Mirror

Emily loved collecting antiques. One day, she found an old mirror at a flea market. It had a beautiful, ornate frame and a slightly tarnished surface. The seller warned her it had a dark history, but Emily dismissed it as a sales tactic.

That night, she hung the mirror in her bedroom. As she was getting ready for bed, she noticed something odd. The reflection in the mirror was delayed, like an old video with a slight lag. She chalked it up to her imagination and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Emily was woken by a strange noise. She looked at the mirror and saw a figure standing behind her reflection. Her heart pounded as she turned around, but there was no one there. She looked back at the mirror and saw the figure getting closer to her reflection.

Terrified, Emily tried to take the mirror off the wall, but it wouldn’t budge. The figure in the mirror now stood right behind her reflection, a menacing grin on its face. Suddenly, a cold hand grabbed her shoulder. Emily screamed and spun around, but she was alone.

She looked back at the mirror and saw herself, but her reflection was smiling the same menacing grin. It stepped forward and reached out of the mirror, pulling her in. Emily struggled, but it was no use. She was trapped inside the mirror, watching helplessly as her reflection lived her life.


Jacob M

Story 7 :- The Midnight Call


## The Midnight Call

Sarah had just moved into her new apartment. The place was small but cosy, perfect for starting fresh. One night, she was woken up by her phone ringing. She groggily answered, hearing a child's voice on the other end.

"Mommy, is that you?"

"I'm not your mommy," Sarah said, her voice still thick with sleep. "You must have the wrong number."

The child started crying. "Please, come home. He's here."

Before Sarah could respond, the line went dead. She tried to shake off the unsettling call, thinking it was just a prank. But it happened again the next night, and the night after that. The same child's voice, the same desperate plea.

One night, after the call, Sarah heard footsteps outside her apartment door. She peered through the peephole but saw nothing. As she turned away, the phone rang again. She picked it up, her hands trembling.

"Mommy, please. He's in the house."

Sarah's blood ran cold. She realized the voice wasn't coming from the phone but from inside her apartment. She turned around slowly and saw a shadowy figure standing in the doorway of her bedroom. The last thing she heard was the child’s whisper: "He found us."

Hehhehhehe BooBoo

Jacob M

Story 9:- The Abandoned Asylum

  ## The Abandoned Asylum A group of friends decided to explore an abandoned asylum on the outskirts of town. It was a popular spot for thri...