Monday 1 July 2024

Story 9:- The Abandoned Asylum

 ## The Abandoned Asylum

A group of friends decided to explore an abandoned asylum on the outskirts of town. It was a popular spot for thrill-seekers, known for its dark history and rumoured hauntings. They arrived just before midnight, armed with flashlights and cameras.

As they ventured deeper into the asylum, the air grew colder, and an eerie silence enveloped them. They found old patient records, rusted medical equipment, and graffiti covering the walls. But the further they went, the more they felt like they were being watched.

In the main hall, they found a journal belonging to a former patient named Alice. The entries spoke of cruel experiments and supernatural occurrences. One entry caught their attention: "The shadows come alive at night. They take the ones who trespass."

Suddenly, the lights of their flashlights flickered and went out. Panic set in as they fumbled in the darkness. They heard footsteps echoing through the halls and the sound of whispering voices. The shadows around them seemed to move and take shape.

One by one, the friends were dragged into the darkness by unseen forces. Their screams echoed through the asylum, but no one was around to hear them. By morning, the asylum was silent once more, with no sign of the friends who had ventured in.

Local authorities conducted a search but found no trace of the group. The asylum remained abandoned, a grim reminder of the souls lost to its darkness. The townspeople spoke in hushed tones about the friends who had disappeared, warning others to stay away from the cursed place. Those who dared to enter would hear the whispers of the shadows, calling them to join the others who had never left.

Jacob M

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Story 9:- The Abandoned Asylum

  ## The Abandoned Asylum A group of friends decided to explore an abandoned asylum on the outskirts of town. It was a popular spot for thri...