Friday 7 June 2024

Story 2: The Ghost of Widow's Peak


Story 2:

The Ghost of Widow's Peak

High atop Widow's Peak, a cliff overlooking the raging sea, stood an old lighthouse. It had been decommissioned years ago, but locals still spoke of the tragic tale of Eleanor, the lighthouse keeper's wife. She had thrown herself from the cliff after learning of her husband's death at sea, and her ghost was said to haunt the lighthouse, mourning her lost love.

One foggy evening, a young couple, Sarah and David, decided to visit the lighthouse. They had heard the stories but were sceptical of ghosts. As they climbed the narrow, winding path to the top, the fog thickened, wrapping around them like a shroud. The eerie silence was broken only by the distant crash of waves against the rocks below.

Inside the lighthouse, the air was damp and cold. They explored cautiously, the wooden floors creaking beneath their feet. Suddenly, they heard a soft sobbing sound, echoing through the empty halls. Following the sound, they reached the top of the lighthouse, where the light once shone.

There, in the dim light of their lantern, they saw her—Eleanor, dressed in a flowing white gown, her face a mask of sorrow. She stared out to sea, her ghostly form shimmering in the darkness. As Sarah and David watched, she turned to them, her eyes filled with an unspeakable sadness.

"Have you seen him?" she whispered, her voice carrying the weight of centuries of longing. Before they could respond, Eleanor vanished, leaving behind only the lingering scent of salt and sorrow.

Terrified, the couple fled the lighthouse, vowing never to return. They spoke of their encounter, and soon, the tale of the ghost of Widow's Peak spread through the town. To this day, on foggy nights, Eleanor's sobbing can still be heard, a haunting reminder of a love lost to the unforgiving sea.

God Bless Us All.

Jacob M

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